Selkirk Strong.Hello Coyote Families! Welcome back to another year of school. As you search through this site, please consider visiting the Canadian Mental Health Association as they are offering free counselling services. And young Coyotes, please consider visiting using the KidsHelpPhone.
This website is a virtual space of support and connection where we share resources with our Selkirk Coyote Family. Under the "NME/Developmentally-Responsive" tab, you will learn more about the Neurosequential approach, and what it means to be a developmentally-responsive school. Under the "Community Resources" tab you will find both Yukon specific and Canada-wide programs that are offering diverse services for families. Under the "Family Centred" tab you will find family centred information and strategies to enhance resiliency. Under the "Regulation" tab you will find school-wide strategies used to promote self-regulation that can certainly be used at home as well. To reach one of us, or to learn more about Selkirk's school counselling services, please visit the "About" or "Contact" tabs. We encourage families to grow their connection, to utilize these resources, and to reach out to one of us if additional support is needed.
Together, we grow resiliency.